ITIL® Service Transition Certificate



This module provides clarification and deals further with the principles, processes, activities, methods and functions of Service Transition. It is a practical module that concentrates on the main points and does not consider all details.

Target group

You are a CIO, Chief Technology Officer, manager, team leader, designer, architect, planner, IT consultant, IT audit manager, IT security manager or ITSM trainer or a member of the supervisory staff. Your role involves dealing with or being responsible for Service Transition.


You will learn about Service Transition in order to organize and manage, though communication and change in organizations will certainly not be left aside. After obtaining the certificate, you will be able to progress to the role of Service Manager with the task of controlling the functions and processes within the Service Transition Lifecycle.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)

e-CF Areae-Competencee-1e-2e-3e-4e-5
BUILD B.2. Component Integration    
B.3. Testing    
B.4. Solution Deployment    
RUNC.2. Change Support    
ENABLED.10. Information and Knowledge Management    
MANAGE E.5. Process Improvement    
E.7. Business Change Management    

Legend for coverage:

 General - The competence is covered at the level indicated
 Partial - The competence is covered to some extent
 Superficial - Relevant knowledge is covered to some extent
 The competence level is available in the framework
 The competence level is not available in the framework


- The ITIL® Foundation certificate in IT Service Management*

- An accredited training by an accredited training provider

*Or the Foundation certificate in IT Service Management (based on ITIL®) (version 2) in combination with the ITIL® Foundation bridge certificate.

Exam content

Candidates are tested on the following categories:

  1. Introduction to service strategy
  2. Service transition principles
  3. Service transition processes
  4. Managing people through service transitions
  5. Organizing for service transition
  6. Technology considerations
  7. Implementing and improving service transition
  8. Challenges, critical success factors and risks

Exam Details

  1. Number of questions: 8
  2. Pass mark: 70%
  3. Open book: No
  4. Electronic equipment allowed: No