ITIL® Service Design Certificate



Service design is important for organizations that work according to ITIL®. The continued improvement of services with the Service Lifecycle of IT Service Management requires a thorough design process. This module teaches experts, within their roles, the concepts and skills associated with good service design.

Target group

You are a CIO, Chief Technology Officer, manager, team leader, designer, architect, planner, IT consultant, IT audit manager, IT security manager or ITSM trainer or a member of the supervisory staff. Your role involves daily activities connected to the design of services within the Service Lifecycle.


With this certificate, you show that you have all of the skills for professionally managing, coordinating and integrating service design into IT Service Management. You know the activities, concepts and principles and know how to apply these and you master the technical and organizational aspects of service design.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)

The mapping of this certificate against the e-Competence Framework.

e-CF Areae-Competencee-1e-2e-3e-4e-5
PLANA.1. IS and Business Strategy Alignment    
A.2. Service Level Management    
RUN C.3. Service Delivery    
EnableD.4. Purchasing    
D.9. Personnel Development    
D.10. Information and Knowledge Management    
D.11. Needs Identification    
ManageE.4. Relationship Management    
E.5. Process Improvement    
E.8. Information Security Management    

Legend for coverage:

 General - The competence is covered at the level indicated
 Partial - The competence is covered to some extent
 Superficial - Relevant knowledge is covered to some extent
 The competence level is available in the framework
 The competence level is not available in the framework


- The ITIL® Foundation certificate in IT Service Management*

- An accredited training by an accredited training provider

*Or the Foundation certificate in IT Service Management (based on ITIL®) (version 2) in combination with the ITIL® Foundation bridge certificate.

Exam content

Candidates can expect to gain competencies in the following areas upon successful completion of the education and examination components related to this certification:

  1. Introduction to service design
  2. Service design principles
  3. Service design processes
  4. Service design technology-related activities
  5. Organizing for service design
  6. Technology considerations
  7. Implementation and improvement of service design
  8. Challenges, critical success factors and risks.

Exam Details

  1. Number of questions: 8
  2. Pass mark: 70%
  3. Open book: No
  4. Electronic equipment allowed: No