ITIL® Release, Control and Validation Certificate



An important aspect of IT Service Management is the new release cycle. The control and validation of (new) services also requires consideration. Following this module helps IT professionals to further their knowledge about implementing new services in an IT organization.

Target group

You are an IT professional, business manager or business process owner and form part of the operational staff in your organization. You wish to know more about releases, control and validation processes within Service Management and how to apply this knowledge. In your role you make a direct or indirect contribution towards higher levels of IT Service Management.


This certificate provides a deeper understanding of releases, control and validation of services. The certificate is suited to a practical role in which you require specific skills for Service Management. You are able to handle requests and you evaluate and support the decision making process. You guarantee quality in the event of changes to and transitions in services.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)

The mapping of this certificate against the e-Competence Framework.

e-CF Areae-Competencee-1e-2e-3e-4e-5
BULIDB.2. Systems Integration    
B.3. Testing    
B.4. Solution Deployment    
RUNC.2. Change Support    
EnableD.10. Information and Knowledge Management    
ManageE.5. Process Improvement    
E.7. Business Change Management    

Legend for coverage:

 General - The competence is covered at the level indicated
 Partial - The competence is covered to some extent
 Superficial - Relevant knowledge is covered to some extent
 The competence level is available in the framework
 The competence level is not available in the framework


- The ITIL® Foundation certificate in IT Service Management*

- An accredited training by an accredited training provider

*Or the Foundation certificate in IT Service Management (based on ITIL®) (version 2) in combination with the ITIL® Foundation bridge certificate.

Exam content

Candidates can expect to gain competencies in the following areas upon successful completion of the education and examination components related to this certification:

  1. The importance of service management as a practice concept and service transition principles, purpose and objective;
  2. The importance of ITIL® release, control and validation while providing service
  3. How all processes in ITIL® release, control and validation interact with other service lifecycle processes;
  4. What are the processes, activities, methods and functions used in each of the ITIL release, control and validation processes;
  5. How to use the ITIL® release, control and validation processes, activities and functions to achieve operational excellence;
  6. How to measure ITIL® release, control and validation;
  7. The importance of IT security and its contributions to ITIL release, control and validation;
  8. The technology and implementation considerations surrounding ITIL release, control and validation;
  9. Change management as a capability to realize successful service transition;
  10. Service validation and testing as a capability to ensure the integrity and the quality of service transition;
  11. Service asset and configuration management as a capability to monitor the state of service transition;
  12. Knowledge management as part of enhancing the on-going management decision support and service delivery capability;
  13. Request fulfilment and change evaluation to ensure meeting committed service level performance;
  14. Release, control and validation process roles and responsibilities.
  15. Technology and implementation considerations
  16. Challenges, critical success factors and risks associated with ITIL® release, control and validation

Exam Details

  1. Number of questions: 8
  2. Pass mark: 70%
  3. Open book: No
  4. Electronic equipment allowed: No